Self-determination and megaprojects

The Regional Indigenous and Popular Counsel of Xpujil (CRIPX) against the Maya Train


  • Bianca Bachelot Programa de Posgrado en Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Self-determination, Indigenous People, Neodevelopmentalism, Neoextractivism, Megaproject


In the following work, we argue that the fight for the self- determination
of indigenous people is carried out in Mexico in the mark of social movements
organized born, among others, in socio-environmental conflicts generated by
public policies promoted by neo-developmental governments. To do this, I analyse
the fields interaction between the state and the indigenous organizations and the
correlation of force between the paradigm of neo development and the political
horizon of self-determination, based on the specific case of the struggle that the
Regional Indigenous and Popular Counsel of Xpujil (CRIPX) is carrying out against
the Maya Train, under the banner of the defence of their self- determination. In
that perspective, I study several axes of confrontation about prior, free and informed
consultation, as well as strategies and perspectives for the construction of selfdetermination
at local, national and Latin American levels.

Author Biography

Bianca Bachelot, Programa de Posgrado en Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctorante del Programa de Posgrado en
Estudios Latinoamericanos de la UNAM,
Maestra en Administración de Empresas
y Asuntos Internacionales y Licenciada en
Economía y Administración de Empresas
por la Universidad Paris 1 Panteón Sorbona.
Líneas de investigación: Estado y sociedad:
instituciones, procesos y movimientos sociales
en América Latina. Participa en el seminario
PAPIIT: Autonomía vs Hegemonía.
Estado y emancipación social en América
Latina, aportes de los pueblos indígenas,
afrodescendientes y sectores populares,
coordinado por Gaya Makaran y Jesús Serna.

