Rights of the original peoples and the megaproject airport of the basin of Mexico
the case of Santa Lucia
Rights, native peoples, resistance, wild town planning, international airportAbstract
The urbanization phenomenon in the Mexico basin has had as
one of its main infrastructure axis, at least since the neoliberal stage, the construction
of a mega airport project too; the native peoples of the north-eastern
zone of this bio-cultural region have resisted its imposition, and the defense of
indigenous rights have been woven in their struggle. This essay presents a reflection
of the processes about how the organization of the 12 Original Peoples of
Tecámac has devised the defense of their rights; some opposite-colonial horizons
are also presented as salient issues within the towns; finally, the text ends up
opening new questions that were presented in the dialogue of this work with the
organization of the peoples.
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