Genealogy of the State and the right to decide
Genealogy of the state, Self-determination, Legal Theory, Indigeneous Law, Civilizatory CrisisAbstract
This work aims to carry out a genealogy2 of the State and the
right to decide, seeking to unite the theory, with the participant observation
of the author in the defense of indigenous rights. The State is an
instrument of control that acts countercurrent to a system of self-determination
of indigenous peoples that has existed for centuries. Not only is
a multicultural State possible, but that it exists, and the job is to achieve
its recognition in fact and in law, through the de redefinition of how the
sovereignty that resides in the people is executed. Discussing who has the
right to decide over who, and the right of self-determination, is a matter
of transcendental importance in the current social, environmental, economic,
health and civilizational crisis that we are experiencing.
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