Legal fetishism, plans of law and bourgeois legal form
The Introduction to the critique of modern law (outline) by Correas and its importance in the current Latin American Legal Criticism
Latin American Legal Criticism, Bourgeois legal form, Oscar Correas, Legal Fetishism, Law planesAbstract
The work takes up lines of research raised by Correas in his Introduction to the criticism of modern law
(outline) to deepen the analyzes from Latin American legal criticism, especially the use of the metaphor of essence
and appearance and his analysis of the planes of the law and its role in capitalist accumulation. For this, two general
sections are developed: the first, a discussion about the way in which bourgeois legal theory presents the relationship
between law, nature and social relations and contributes to the consolidation of legal fetishism. In the second section,
the importance of his analysis of the planes of law is taken up again to account for their role in the reproduction of capitalist
societies. Both sections highlight the importance of building the category of bourgeois legal form as a starting
point for a framework of law intelligibility in capitalist society.
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