Anarchism and the law

Anarchismo e diritto


  • Constantino Cavalleri Archivo-Biblioteca “Tomaso Serra” en Cagliari, Cerdeña, Italia



Anarchism, Law, Informality, individualism, Societies against the state, state societies


Starting from the well-known debate regarding the anthropological
distinction between societies without/against the state and state societies,
the author reflects on the place that the anarchic gaze occupies
between the natural law currents and the iuspositivist currents, clearly
standing from a perspective that considers anarchism from a resounding
a radical anti-legal approach that, precisely because it is illegal, manifests
itself in all its fields (theoretical and practical) from the indeterminate
and the informality of life to organize from now on for the fight, an approach
that excludes any fixation of individual and community reality in
laws, regulations, or institutes

Author Biography

Constantino Cavalleri, Archivo-Biblioteca “Tomaso Serra” en Cagliari, Cerdeña, Italia

Figura histórica del anarquismo en Italia.
Impulsor del Archivo-Biblioteca “Tomaso
Serra” en Cagliari, Cerdeña, Italia (en ho
menaje al anarquista de esa zona que luchó
en la guerra civil española).

