Corporate Monarchies
Horizontal transferences, decolonial horizons
Technosciences, Epistemologies of the South, Decoloniality, Technology Transfer, Knowledges DialogueAbstract
This work is an análisis of the current pedagogic problema involved in horizontal transfers relative torural tonws in the fase of the tecnno-scientific revolution. Returning to the sociological analyzes of Gonzalez Casanova (2017), we propose a qualitative interpretation of the current corporate forms that reproduce ecological and biopolitical control systems. The first topic tries to limit the proposed. The first topic tries to limit the proposed concept to pint out the undemocratic nature of the use of techosciences by dependen on large corporate systems, which is defined as corporate monarchies. Subsequently, an analysis of the techno scientific paradigm its productive relationships, its genealogy and its emergence. Finally, a basic analysis is carried out on what is recognized as a horizontal technology transfer process in the case of agriculture in Cuba. Based on the work addressed , the pedagogy is understood as the training or democratization of knowledge through dialogue of kowledge throught which the various populations can appropriate technical and scientific knowledge to face the modern/colonial collapse of the country from their local reality.
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